Saturday, November 11, 2006

Moulting Chicken

Moulting Chicken

On of our chickens, Lucy, is moulting. Her white feathers made our yardgarden look like it had been snowing. The spiky bits are new feathers that haven't got feathery yet. She won't let me pick her up right now, it must hurt to have your new feathers compressed. Here (below) she is in a very rare pose, apparently looking straight on at the camera. The other chicken is called Rosy.

Moulting Chicken


  1. wow, chickens. I hear they make restful pets, as well as handy sources of eggs.

  2. Nice pics. Those spiky bits look a little strange.

  3. I sure am glad you posted the images on here. I've just started raising some chickens, and had no clue what was going on with one of my hen's feathers. These pictures made it very easy for me to figure out that my bird was molting. Thanks!

  4. Thanks for the note jovial_cynic, and I can see why you were worried, your chicken looks ill in the pictures at your blog. Glad this helped a bit.

  5. Thanks so much for posting the pics. I've read a bunch about mites/pecking/moulting on the internet, but I could have saved myself a bunch of trouble by checking out these pictures first. Nothing like a pic to assure me that nothing other than a moult is happening.
